by Mark Lodato
ActiveRecord Cannot Read Minds
by Mark Lodato
has tons of nice, declarative abstractions on top of SQL- It can be dangerous to assume what those abstractions produce
Automatic Association Recognition in Where Clauses
is great at noticing what is meant when trying to filter a query by a record. If
we have the following two models:
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :pets
class Pet < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
We can do:
user = User.first
pets = Pet.where(user_id:
which generates the SQL:
# => SELECT "pets".* FROM "pets" WHERE "pets"."user_id" = 1
because user_id
is a column of the pets
table. But, for cleanliness, we can simplify this to:
user = User.first
pets = Pet.where(user: user)
This correctly generates the same SQL! And, it even works for has_many
pets = Pet.all
pets = User.where(pets: pets)
Which generates SQL like:
# => SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" IN (SELECT "pets"."user_id" FROM "pets")
That's great! ActiveRecord
took the words describing what we wanted and converted it to
SQL for us! But does this always work the way we expect? Let's consider this setup of users
that have animals with names:
User.create(first_name: "Hank").tap do |hank|
hank.pets.create(breed: "cat", name: "Nala")
hank.pets.create(breed: "dog", name: "Max")
User.create(first_name: "Bob").tap do |bob|
bob.pets.create(breed: "dog", name: "Nala")
bob.pets.create(breed: "cat", name: "Felix")
Let's say we want to know which users own pets named "Nala" and what breed those "Nala"s are:
nalas = Pet.where(name: "Nala")
.where(pets: nalas)
.pluck("users.first_name", "pets.breed")
And one might expect the output to look like:
[["Hank", "cat"], ["Bob", "dog"]]
But instead what we get is:
[["Hank", "dog"], ["Hank", "cat"], ["Bob", "cat"], ["Bob", "dog"]]
What happened? Well, one issue with trying to convert words into SQL is that there are different
ways to interpret words. What ActiveRecord
got was:
- Get users that have at least one pet whose name is "Nala" (Hank and Bob)
- Join them to pets to get all pets for both users
- Print the name of each person and the breed of each pet that person has
Which is a perfectly valid interpretation and it's very easy to write tests without sufficient
setup data to catch this (trust me; I've done it!). Instead we could write ActiveRecord
nalas = Pet.where(name: "Nala")
.where(pets: { id: nalas }) .pluck("users.first_name", "pets.breed")
nalas = Pet.where(name: "Nala")
.merge(nalas) .pluck("users.first_name", "pets.breed")
It's important to review the SQL generated by ActiveRecord
clauses carefully along with
the words describing the desired data.
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